Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Giants Disappear as You go forth in Faith

Giants Disappear as You go forth in Faith
I had a dream early this morning that I was in a long race. There was time enough to stop and eat and get refreshed and go again. I did not feel alone but I’m not sure who else was in the race. I could see from another perspective that there was a group gathering vicious dogs that they planned on putting in my way to stop my progress. I was aware of the dogs but as I proceed in the race I never did encounter them.
It seemed as I woke that they obstacles (dogs) had been removed from my path before I reached them. It says in Katie’s patriarchal blessing that obstacles will be removed from her path without her even being aware of them. What is the exact working Katie? Anyway this happened to me in this dream. If we trust in the Lord we will be watched over.
Miracle for today. Bode’s belirubim was so high last week(6.4) that the doctor’s office said to take him to Primary Children’s Hospital to have an ultrasound to check his liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. He was given a blessing by his dad Cliff and we all prayed for him for the next few days. The ultrasound showed everything working great. Keri took him in for another blood test yesterday-Tues. today we got word his belirubin is down to 2.4. He is healthy and well. Seth’s doesn’t have to wear his patch for several months because his eye has improved so much.
Dear God, Thanks for the Blessings!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Trusting in the Lord

Trusting in the Lord is a constant need to me. I have been working on ridding myself from pride-all four boxes.
Box 1 considering myself Better - than some else
Box 2 considering myself Less -Than some else
Box 3 feeling like I deserve something
Box 4 I must be seen as ________________
There is definitely a sense of low self-esteem connected with having pride with comparing yourself with someone else and holding yourself up as Better Than. Really the inner feeling is one of not being of value to God. If we could all feel of worth to God we would not try and use pride to give us false self worth.
Each of us here on the earth right now must have been saved to be here now. John the beloved Apostle desired to stay on the earth until the second coming. I wonder if my life has purpose. I want to believe that it does. I need a reason to be here today. We are not defined by our church calling. Position can not be what makes one of worth to God. It seems all most daily someone with position in the church seems to send the message " I am important what do you do?"
Pres. Hinckley never sent that message. Pres. Boyd K Packer spoke of it last conference.
That every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world;
“That faith also might increase in the earth;
“That mine everlasting covenant might be established;
“That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers.
President J. Reuben Clark Jr. said: “In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one takes the place to which one is duly called, which place one neither seeks nor declines” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1951, 154). The Chu
Everything that is done in the Church—the leading, the teaching, the calling, the ordaining, the praying, the singing, the preparation of the sacrament, the counseling, and everything else—is done by ordinary members, the “weak things of the world.”
There is the natural tendency to look at those who are sustained to presiding positions, to consider them to be higher and of more value in the Church or to their families than an ordinary member. Somehow we feel they are worth more to the Lord than are we. It just does not work that way!
It would be very disappointing to my wife and to me if we supposed any one of our children would think that we think we are of more worth to the family or to the Church than they are, or to think that one calling in the Church was esteemed over another or that any calling would be thought to be less important.
Recently, one of our sons was sustained as ward mission leader. His wife told us how thrilled he was with the call. It fits the very heavy demands of his work. He has the missionary spirit and will find good use for his Spanish, which he has kept polished from his missionary days. We also were very, very pleased at his call.
What my son and his wife are doing with their little children transcends anything they could do in the Church or out. No service could be more important to the Lord than the devotion they give to one another and to their little children. And so it is with all our other children. The ultimate end of all activity in the Church centers in the home and the family.
As General Authorities of the Church, we are just the same as you are, and you are just the same as we are. You have the same access to the powers of revelation for your families and for your work and for your callings as we do.
I need to trust God that what I do as a mother and a grandmother with the opportunities that are before me today are of worth to God.
Life of this earth must be of worth. There must be something of value to God that I can do today.
Get off my shoulder Satan who is whispering that I do not count. The Devil will rage in the hearts of men. He tries to make me feel that I have no worth.
Please God help me believe I am good. Not Better than or Less -Than but a granny of God with purpose.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Bode Will be Given his Name and Blessing by his Dad Cliff Sunday Morning just after 9:00 am, joined by his extended family. It will be a special time.