Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Giants Disappear as You go forth in Faith

Giants Disappear as You go forth in Faith
I had a dream early this morning that I was in a long race. There was time enough to stop and eat and get refreshed and go again. I did not feel alone but I’m not sure who else was in the race. I could see from another perspective that there was a group gathering vicious dogs that they planned on putting in my way to stop my progress. I was aware of the dogs but as I proceed in the race I never did encounter them.
It seemed as I woke that they obstacles (dogs) had been removed from my path before I reached them. It says in Katie’s patriarchal blessing that obstacles will be removed from her path without her even being aware of them. What is the exact working Katie? Anyway this happened to me in this dream. If we trust in the Lord we will be watched over.
Miracle for today. Bode’s belirubim was so high last week(6.4) that the doctor’s office said to take him to Primary Children’s Hospital to have an ultrasound to check his liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. He was given a blessing by his dad Cliff and we all prayed for him for the next few days. The ultrasound showed everything working great. Keri took him in for another blood test yesterday-Tues. today we got word his belirubin is down to 2.4. He is healthy and well. Seth’s doesn’t have to wear his patch for several months because his eye has improved so much.
Dear God, Thanks for the Blessings!!!


  1. Kathryn I loved this! Your blog means so much to me. To have your testimony is so strengthening!!! Thank you! Thank you! I also had a remarkable dream on Monday morning. I too posted it on my blog! This is a wonderful tool!
    I love you!

  2. Granny,
    Happy B-day on Friday the 13th!!!
    I have tagged you.
    The Rules are:
    Post a FATHER characteristics that you enjoy in you own Dad.
    Post a Favorite Memories that you have with you Dad
    Tag 4 other People and Post instructions

    I Tagged:
    Heidi Staple
    Katheryn Paulsen (Granny)
    Marta Harr (Mom)

    I love you!!!
