Monday, September 28, 2009

Charity is the Law of Abundance required by Zion people

Meridian Magazine answers my question about Newton"s Law , the Law of the Harvest and How the Law of Consecration works. It is not a law of everyone puts everything they have into the pot and takes out equally. I believe free agency and charity must be at the core of the Law of Consecration and the Law of Abundance described here are always God's Law sending blessing for sacrifice.

Meridian magazine---I recommend the entire article.

Charitable service creates a positive imbalance that demands correcting. This is the hundredfoldlaw, 9 which President Thomas S. Monson described this way: “It is an immutable law that the more you give away, the more you receive.” Then, referencing a quote attributed to Winston Churchill, he said, “‘You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.’” 10 The Lord always rewards us with more than we sacrifice.
This “immutable law”—the hundredfold law—drives Zion’s cycle of abundance and makes Zion people exceedingly prosperous. 11 Of course, this law runs contrary to Babylon’s practices of grabbing, competing and hoarding. The hundredfold law, which flows from the law of consecration, stipulates that if we will give what we have and are, the Lord will reward us beyond our sacrifice: “an hundredfold."

This is so the law the atom teaches. Right side electrons give which does create a literal positive imbalance which does demand correction by then being the receiver.

Atoms with electrons ending of the left side want to receive. They take electrons making them Babylon of grabbing, and hoarding. The atom exemplifies these laws of God found working everywhere in the universe.

The is exactly the law governing the atom. Right side electron give and by giving do create a positive imbalance which requires receiving. Atoms with electron that end on the left side have empty holes and take electrons--grabbing or hoarding them. To be saved by God we must literally be on his right-hand side---givers. But givers will be rewarded 100 fold.
Zion will function by charity the law of right side givers.

Jakob's Miracle

V and B along with S and C were at a girls’camp above Cedar City working to set up for the Fall Camporee for St. George Scouts. The camp was in the tops of the mountains covered with quaking aspen just turned yellow and orange. 260 scouts and their leaders were to show there that night to start activities planned from 9:00pm to 1:00 am. It was the first for everyone there to have the activities all done by headlights.
M had as usual gotten one hour of sleep in the early morning hours and had worked night to have everything organized for the camp. Yet there are always things to be done just before the boys arrive. V had packed all day Thursday and the truck and trailer were loaded for our early take off Friday morning. The whole H family met us in Cedar City. I left with Marta and Junior team and L to go to St. George where we were scheduled to register participants for the Triathlon and finish preparations for the scout camp. E worked on making dinner for V, B and whowould need it at scout camp, finished making winner badges, M worked on a tough scheduling adgenda of how 42 troops would do each of 6 x 3 activities which she could not figure out throught the middle of the night. L and I were boiling water and dumping it in coolers for hot chocolate for the boys breakfast of pancakes and sausages.
Liesl and I dumped a very large pot of just boiled water into a very large cooler probably holding u[ to 10 gallons. It was not probably about 1/3 filled and was last of the four coolers we were going to fill. We have each left the stove area of the kitchen when we heard the scream. J had tipped the cooler of just boiled water over on him. Marta from the office reached him first and turned on the cold water. I took him as she reached for ice and I searched for burn areas was it on his hands or face I could see his little foes turning white and knew it was especially one foot that I kept dumping cold water over.
The rest can be read on Marta’s blog. But on Sunday v and I went to a church across from Sun Brook Golf Course and a scout age boy talked on Wilford Woodruff. God does love us was Barbara Thompson’s message Sat. night at RS conference even if your child sick or …
Here is Wilford Woodruff praise for protection even when injured:
Wilford Woodruff learned to trust deeply in the power of the Lord early in life. According to his own record, he underwent many accidents and other hardships and was only spared because of the mercy of the Lord. He fell into a caldron of scalding water at the age of three; (J turns 3 in less than 2 months) he slipped from a beam in his father’s barn, landing on his face on the bare floor; he broke both his arms by falls; he narrowly missed being gored by a bull; he broke his leg by a fall from a carriage; he was kicked in the stomach by an ox; he was buried beneath a load of hay when his wagon tipped over; he was in a wagon that overturned when a runaway horse bolted down a hill; he fell fifteen feet from a tree, landing fiat on his back; he was saved from drowning in thirty feet of water; he narrowly escaped freezing to death when a passerby happened to see him crawl into the hollow of an apple tree; he split open the instep of his left foot while chopping wood; he was bitten by a dog in the last stages of rabies; he was thrown from a runaway horse and broke one of his legs in two places and dislocated both ankles. All of this happened before Wilford was twenty years old!
Later he fell twice from the top of a mill wheel, narrowly escaping being crushed to death. On two other occasions he was dragged behind a runaway horse; a gun aimed directly at his chest snapped accidentally but fortunately misfired; a falling tree hit him in the chest, breaking his breastbone and three ribs and badly bruising his left thigh, hip, and arm.
It is no wonder that he early recognized the Lord’s power to preserve him. Contemplating these accidents later in his life he said, “I, therefore, ascribe my preservation on earth to the watchcare of a merciful Providence, whose hand has been stretched out to rescue me from death when I was in the presence of the most threatening dangers.”
A thoughtful young man, he always wanted to do what was right. In his early teens he wrote, “My age is an important period in the life of every man; for, generally speaking, at this period of life man forms much of his character for time and eternity. How cautious I ought to be in passing this landmark along the road of my early existence! I feel that I need care, prudence, circumspection and wisdom to guide my footsteps in the path which leads to honor and eternal life.”
His constant search for guidance led him often to the Lord in prayer so that when he finally did have the opportunity to hear the gospel, he was well prepared to receive it.
Prayer , priesthood blessings and fasting along with doctors helping show M how to help the burns and blusters heal will help J heal. His loving brothers and sisters, mom and dad will be carrying him for a few weeks. It reminds me of the bond between Hymn and Joseph when Hyrum held Joseph for months when as a youth his leg bone had to be cut out. Somehow good things come out of difficult things.
It was a great Fall Camporee. No scouts were injured… but boy were they tired!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Law of Consecration Continued
The Law of Consecration &
Newton’s Cradle
The Law of Consecration is you would give everything to the Lord, all your time and talents and everything you possess. Does this negate the law of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction or the law of justice?
I read a book recently where the saints were called by the prophet to gather at the ward building and bring all their food storage with them, leave their houses and their cars and go to camps in the mountains. It is a difficult decision for people will they follow the prophet and “gather”? My friend says this is beautiful; everyone is equal and gives all they have to the good of all. She would share all that she has with the group. For her it would be a beautiful experience of loving everyone.
I ask W about this and she explained what happened at the Gathering Place when management changed the rules of how tips were distributed. The old way had been the tips you make the night you work were given to each employee. The new way was to pool all tips for the month and then divide them equally. This was very upsetting to at least J and K and W. Some night employees put up many tables and served a complete dinner, some other shifts there was just a desert served. They knew some shifts required much more work than other shifts and equal distribution of tips was not fair. Who would want to work the hard shifts why not just work the easy shifts and get as much money. The purpose for working was to make money and the more you put into it the more you should earn. Equal pay for different amounts of work was not fair.
Newton’s Cradle is some steel balls hung by string and when you pull back on the ball on one side it swings back and knocks the ball out on the opposite side. It shows that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a law of physics. More gas the engine works harder and faster and the speed increases. Basically the more you put into an action the more you get out of it. Little expended little returned, Much put into an action more returned.
The Law of the harvest is he who plants and works the soil and waters and weeds is he who reaps the crop. With the help of God you could reap the seeds you sew.
America has been the land of opportunity. Citizens could work hard and reap the fruits of their labors and ask for the blessings of God to help them in their labors and go through tribulation but reap abundance.
So the Law of Consecration is God’s Law of the best living. Give everything to God and trust Him to care for you. The Lord warns us that it is difficult for the rich man to get into Heaven it is like going through the eye of the needle. The camel must unload his pack and crawl through on his knees.
I have always believed that there must be a reason to do good. That the law of Justice held that if you do good you will reap good. Cast your bread on the water and it will come back magnified. Pay your tithing and the Lord will open the windows of heaven. You receive blessings for doing good and do all the good that you can and the Lord will greatly bless you.
H says she could give up her house easily because she believes the Lord would not put her out in the cold and move some do nothing person into her house. She says Trust the Lord to take care of you.
Food storage has always been important to me. I have even given my young kids powdered milk for their birthday present. It has been a priority to have food storage and some investments and money in savings.
Would the Lord ask me to give all and make everyone equal?
Zion says there were no poor among them. I want to help others but will it be by prophet mandate. Everyone must give everything they have to the pot and everyone draws out equally.
I want the opportunity and the Lord’s blessing on my efforts to prepare for when and if food storage would be needed and the opportunity to willing share not by commandment to share but by Do unto others as you would have loves do to you and Love you neighbor and do good to those who despitefully use you. I want the opportunity to prepare and to give and share and grow by learning more about mercy and the gift of charity the greatest love comes from God to me. - Can I then love others?
Eternity and Temple covenants are so connected with family. Love is so connected with family. In my life I have been a mother and a grandmother. I want to have the opportunity of sharing first with those I love and care about the most-My family. God is my Heavenly Father. We are sealed to our families. I prepare because I want to be able to take care of first of all my family. They are always on my mind in storing up for what they might need in hard times in the future. Daily they now are concerned about me and V and we are daily concerned about them. Each has different needs and help is never equal.
If all efforts are pooled together and given out equally is there any incentive to prepare abundantly?
I know I too am a beggar dependant on God for every breath, for life, for strength, for family, for all things. May I return even part of the goodness He gives to me. I want to love the Lord with all my heart, might , mind and strength and trust him.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Way to Heaven --Hymn #144

The Straight and narrow way to Heaven,
Where angels bright and fair
Are singing to God's praise,
is found through constant secret prayer.

May my heart be turned to pray,
Pray in secret day by day,
That this boon to mortal given
May unite my soul with Heaven.

We really cannot do anything alone Yet some effort must be our Own

We Must Take our own Steps Forward
As a family we have hiked often recently through the mountains. The terrain is up and down over rocks and roots and water sometimes very steep up and down to beautiful waterfalls and through awesome meadows. It takes energy and strength.
We had a cousins cabin day and most of the cousins were there. We went on a hike that started with ridding in the back of Grandpa’s truck and the proceeded hiking straight up the mountain. M was carring two year old J but 3 year Ch was holding his mother K’s hand and doing great hiking. After hiking steep up the mountain we arrived at the top not so steep meadow but were in open grass and flowers not on a road or trail just finding our own path. M put 2 year old J down to walk. We all had compassion and would have helped J. Yet he would only let his mother carry him, would allow no one else to help her and would not walk on his own. She put him down knowing that he could walk here but was refusing to do so. Rather preferring to cry and be carried. M put him down and walked on. The whole group about 15 of us walked on. It was an open meadow still uphill but we could really hear him and see him.
I do not know how he could scream so loud while walking up hill . Anyway it was precious to watch him coming along last hiking away. Each of us had compassion for him but knew he had refused our help. He was capable of hiking on his own which was now very evident as he was doing great. After quite a while maybe 20 minutes he allowed Big J and Kind Heart L to take his hand and stopped screaming. I was even allowed to take his hand and help him when we came to the steep down.
Val went ahead and got the rig and picked us up as we hit the drivable road.
Later in the day Val and I and M drove in the driveway as he was playing in the back yard at Fox Hunt. He saw Grandpa and both arms in the air run for the truck calling Grandpa Grandpa. They embraced and hugged and it was beautiful.
Carol Lynn Pearson describes this beautifully:
The Lesson
Yes, my fretting
Frowning child, I could cross
The room to you More easily.
But I’ve already
Learned to walk,
So I make you
Come to me.

Let go now-
You see?

Oh, remember
This simple lesson,
And when
In later years
You cry out
With tight fists
And tears -
“Oh, help me,
God - please.” -
Just listen
And You’ll hear
A silent voice:

“I would, child,
I would, But it’s you,
Not I
Who needs to try

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Divine Beings May we Become One of These

Aug 2, 2009 Sunday Morning
Apollonius of Tyana
from Mystics and Seers of All Ages by Reginald Merton

For him wisdom was "a sort of permanent state of inspiration." To attain that state, he prescribed chastity, a diet of herbs and fruit, and clothes as pure as the body and soul. Apollonius was a sincere man who labored to separate the spiritual essence of his being and unite it with the divine spirit. He ascribed an important role in this process to the imagination, using it as a path to self-development. He discerned in the smile on the face of a statue, the spirit that lies behind form. He regarded material things, the contour of a landscape, the color of rivers and of stars, the multiform earth, as the symbols of another, purer world, of which they were but the reflections.
"I shall continue to speak with you as though you were present," Sounds like Moroni From the book of Mormon Apollonius had said as he left his Indian masters. Was it their words that he heard at a distance or was it by divine inspiration that he received his great influx of wisdom? Even in Domitian's darkest dungeon, there was a moment when a certain fluidity in the atmosphere indicated the light of a mysterious inner dawn. The world grew more silent, the walls became thinner, and an inner voice, wise beyond time and matter, perhaps spoke to him thus:
"The greatest are those who never find their place, in times that are unpropitious to them. Nothing of the good that a man has done, and, more particularly, nothing of the good that he has thought, is lost, even if he is imprisoned or crucified for that good. But be not as the Hindu ascetic, who was unable to forget injustice. Because the words of the master Jesus will burn like a living flame deep into the hearts of Western humanity, you will be cursed and forgotten. You will be contrasted with him, and for centuries, pious men will speak of you as a juggler or a mountebank. But if you rise to the region where neither justice nor injustice exists, you will know that this is a matter of small importance. It will be necessary for you to share also Jesus' own sorrow, which is very great, for he has been a thousand times more misunderstood than you, a thousand times worse betrayed. Make ready to approach God on the day that is appointed in the Great Book without lettering. Then perhaps you will be crowned with the glory that you so ardently desired."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

There is a Green Hill and Wisdom

Today I got to play the music for church at Snowbird which was held basically out on the mountain side. Not often do I get to have church outside. It was at a place where outside concerts are held. We sang High on a Mountain Top and There is a Green Hill. This was a beautiful Green Mountain Top. The sun was shinning brightly and I loved it. RS was something about being judged by the light in us. Sunshine and spiritual thoughts must bring light.

Wisdom: D&C 45:56,57 And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins, For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.
D&C 89:4,18-21 In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation-
18.And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones:
19, And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowlege, even hidden treasures.
20. And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
21. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.
Could It be that to be wise and to find wisdom relates to treating our bodies as a temple to receiving light-- to taking healthy things into our bodies is one step leading to wisdom in fact a promise that wisdom will come. And the next step is to not be deceived and to have the destroying angel pass by us. To be a Wise Virgin-- the Wise Men at Christ"s birth saw the new Star and recognized it as the sign of the Messiah---maybe there were only three and the rest of the world missed it. It seems we should seek for wisdom that may come by eating meat and grains sparingly and fruits and vegtables in the season thereof with prudence and thanksgiving. Could this clease our bodies so we can have the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion? Sometimes the ideas are so simple we miss them---in fact all but three missed the star.
OH, to find Wisdom!

Friday, July 3, 2009

I think the angel sent was Maxwell

Tues June 30 was Val’s first day to be an ordinance worker at the Draper Utah Temple. Val’s day started at the church spreading bark with a couple of other High Priests one being Greg Parish whom Val calls The General ( he is always helping). By 9:00 am he was on his way up to the cabin with Bender his favorite electrician. During the Ragnar Race Jr. Team SAM BRINLEY, SARA, JAKOB, and I stopped by the cabin it was difficult to get the lights to go on they were very low. Jeff McNeil held a camp out in the cabin driveway for 3 11 year old scouts with their dad’s he also found low lights and could not see the cause.
When Val and Bender got to the cabin they found a breaker that was not working when they tested it with their equipment. They called Rocky Mountain Power and left for Home Depot --taking a couple of hours to get there - to buy a new breaker. Val called me and said things were not going well and could I pick up his new white coat for the temple and that he would not be making it to the sealing session we do with Pres. Hilton at 3:00 pm leaving for the temple about 2:15 pm. He didn’t know if he could make it to the temple at all.
I PRAYED. It seems Satan does not want Val to make it to the temple. I ask for help for Val to make it to the temple. I Prayed for an angel that knew a lot about electricity to help solve the problems so Val could make it to the temple. I ask if maybe God could sent Maxwell ( He like discovered electricity) to help Val get the electrical problems fixed.
Val’s next call was: the electricity was working great! He was on his way home and would make it on time to make the sealing session. When he and Bender got back from Home Depot the electricity was working without installing a new breaker which would have been very dangerous---something to do with installing it hot. Any way they didn’t have to do it . Everything was working. Val did the sealing session and was able to serve as a veil worker on both sides the first day and started memorizing other ordinances.
Thank You God and Maxwell.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gifts of the Spirit

7. We believe in the gifts of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues and many others.
The gift of Charity, the gift of Happiness the gift of purer eyes to see spiritual matter (D&C 131:7 )
Moses 7:27 Enoch beheld angels descending out of heaven, bearing testimony of the Father and Son; and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion.
What about the gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues? I have previously thought it had to do with learning languages and being in the MTC to serve a mission therefore it had nothing to do with a gift I should seek after. I now feel that the gift of tongues has to do with speaking –the words we say, with teaching and using the power of God to ask for righteousness.
Marta & Brad have been in charge of a youth service project which included planting trees 280 of them in Bloomington. They have done the major work of obtaining trees, installing sprinklers---miles and miles, 12 eagle projects, and actually planting the trees, getting water to everyone of them and having them grow to years from now be like Brigham City Main Street. They have worked themselves beyond exhaustion and heavenly help has come.
Marta has been controlling the weather. It has been cool and raining daily. She was concerned about keeping the trees in great condition before they were in the ground and that is when the cool weather and rain started. The day of planting the sun was shinning and then as evening approached raindrops started and it was very dark. The youth were to have an outdoor fireside. Other Stake leaders thought it should be moved inside. The leaders traveling on the freeway were in a down pour. Marta was at park where the fireside was to be held. She said lets pray for good weather. In the presence of stake leaders Marta prayed and there was no rain at that park during the fireside. It has remained cool and raining daily I think now every tree has sprinkler lines working on the tree. Yesterday Monday June 22, 2009 the sun was shinning all day. Everyone notices the cool weather and rain-- but I know the reason. Words of Power uttered by those of great faith control the elements. This is the gift of tongues and the sealing power to control elements.
So is interpretation of tongues a gift of understanding greater things?
I want to seek after all these gifts of the spirit.
Lifting to the 7th level is like the Sabbath Day entering into rest or the presence of the Lord. There are 7 energy levels of the atom. The 6th level is organization. It is the beehive. It is industry and workers serving the world by pollination and honey production. It is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints spreading the gospel to the world and serving those deceased in temples. It is work of this physical earth by the saints of God. 7 is progress beyond 6 it is hitting an 8 representaive element in the 6th energy level and being raised to the 7th energy level. It is the 7th Article of Faith. It is gifts of prophecy and revelation and visions and tongues—words of power and greater understanding. It is having tongues of angels and learning the beginning step of moving mountains.
I want to seek after all these gifts of the spirit.
I will seek after all these gifts of the spirit.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Prophecy & Gifts of the Spirit

June 14, 2009
The gift of Tongues. I have learned that Governor Jon Huntsman has been chosen by Obama as the ambassador to China. Jed and Chandler go to missionary prep and then Chinese language class every Sunday afternoon. Yet China is a “heathen nation” believing in Buddha or Confusus or other “Gods”not allowing LDS Missionaries to teach. Governor Huntsman I understand learned Chinese on a LDS Mission certainly aided by the gift of tongues. Now this language knowledge takes him to China in a political context as an ambassador. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin all served as ambassadors in the early years of this country during times of great need of help from France.
I believe Governor Huntsman is really being sent as an ambassador from God to open the way for Jed and Chandler and other missionaries to take the gospel to all the world.

Monday, May 4, 2009

College Associate degree
At age 17 years two weeks
What am accomplishment WOW. Played on the Dixie High Basketball team which required hours of practice every school night and graduated from college with a two year degree several weeks ahead of high school graduation. For a homeschool kid that could hardly read at age 8 and had some family inherited learning challenges with spelling handwriting and reading and he truly has become a FLYER.
Liesl has been going to college all year at age 14 and got an A+ in seminary and has done well in her mostly music classes. She turned 15 last Friday and is getting a driver’s learners permit probably as I write this Monday morning.
Chandler has taken charge at home with becoming Jakob’s (Nov. turned 2) trusted and loved brother. Jakob has had a tough year with much throwing up and Chandler has risen to the occasion.
I often hear at the Harr Home Sam would you please do this or Sam will you please do that and Sam does it mostly with one asking.
Brinley and Sara are the loving, caring beauties.
And Jakob is being healed from many allergies by his knowing what he can have and many prayers and is so much better even this week.
I think the thing I love most about homeschooling is that these kids have time to spend with me and I love being with them.
I get to see Bodi today! Yea. I drove home getting through the early morning hours and got here by 8:14 am. Bodi is getting a brother this fall. What great blessings. We all have the best big brother ever.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Flow of Energy is in a figure 8 on its side. ∞ It looks like a butterfly around to the right first up to the top and then around to the left. We product energy constantly from matter in our bodies. We eat food we transform that through life-----light-----to energy. We pass energy from one another by a smile, a touch, talking and sending feelings good and bad back and forth.
Alchemists goal was to change lead to gold. Perhaps they did this. But in our bodies we do this amazing change of matter to energy and Einstein says it takes the speed of light squared. So this light must be life and we produce energy. We have an aura that is seven layers deep and we have seven chakras in our body that are energy centers of send out and receive.
Tapping which is a new to me form of healing is ancient it is patting a baby on its back now how old is that. We need to pat or tap each other more to send energy.
A smile sends energy as does a scowl different kind of energy-smile is a give scowl is a take.
How many ways does Heavenly Father send energy to us? The Holy Ghost is the most valuable gift he can give us and He makes it so by keeping sacrament covenants we can have this Holy Ghost energy come to us constantly. I want that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Light is the Opposite of Gravity
3:33am Gravity has something to do with Newton and an apple. It has always been with us since day 3 of creation when the Lord said “Let there be Light!:, This act had to put the earth in its present orbit around the sun. Give the earth spin of day and night. The moon and the sun are the same size when viewed from earth—the moon governing the night and the sun the day—the moon the lessor light and the sun the greater light. This positioning of earth has to do with gravity which keeps all the universe in exacting order and relates to mass—the number of atoms in a circle—the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, a raindrop. The earth orbits the sun because of the constant attraction of the earth to the sun. The moon orbits the earth because of gravity and going downhill on a bike requires hardly any energy while going up a hill requires a lot of pumping.
So the 3rd day is Light why has this taken me so long to put together. Gravitation versus Levitation. Levitation has been on my mind lately—What things go up. Early this April1, 2009 am I am sitting at my kitchen table reading with a candle and decide to turn off the light and read by the new candle. Just one cream color taper candle. I have noticed before with candles that light goes up. So what about the sun light goes out in all directions exactly opposite gravity which pulls in in all directions. Gravity is a black hole- a pull in in every directions and a break down of everything that goes into it. A Sun is a give out—creates photosenthithis The ability for every plant to live produce food take in CO2 and give off O2 needed for us humans. The light is crucial to life and it is levitation.
We all especially Chandler now 13 wants to fly-to jump high on his bike and Green Valley Loop is his favorite bike ride because of the bumps that with speed send him into the air but gravity returns him to the ground. To fly is what light does and like Chandler it is all about speed 186,000. Miles a sec. A photon of light is emitted when energy to an atom pushes and electron out of its home position. It wants to return home and as it goes back down to it position it gives off a photon on energy and this energy is light. The suns heat causes this energy to send out photons of light energy in all directions. We on the earth receive just the right amount to make life possible. Our gravity is just right to hold us on the earth and allow some jumping and then returning to earth. Birds and airplanes have the equipment-wings and energy to overcome gravity and get off the ground. Jed and Chandler want to make us all jet packs. Jesus we know can go anywhere---He knows the answers to light and gravity.
D&C 34:11 And if you are faithful, behold I am with you until I come--D&C 63:34 And the saints also shall hardly escape nevertheless, I, the Lord and with them,
To be with the Lord is to have the greatest Light and thus levitation.
Levitation is exact opposite of gravitation. Light is fire is glory and goes up and out. I just lite a new candle. Learning is in simple things like and apple and a candle. I have been fasting for two days and I get this light—knowledge. Fasting makes me less heavy—light and I receive light—knowledge. It takes me up and I would like to be elevated even higher. Yes, To be Light!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Joy=Life with the Lord Beside Us

The Lord will be beside us. Let this bring Joy!
· a. D&C 29:5 (to the Prophet Joseph Smith and others): “Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father.”
· b. D&C 61:36 (to the Prophet Joseph Smith and others): “Be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you.”
· c. D&C 68:6 (to Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson, and William E. McLellin): “Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.”
· d. D&C 78:18 (to the Prophet Joseph Smith and others): “Ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.”
· e. D&C 136:29 (to the Camp of Israel at Winter Quarters): “If thou art sorrowful, call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be joyful.”

· Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Quorum of the Twelve counseled:
· “None of us will escape tragedy and suffering. Each of us will probably react differently. However, if we can recall the Lord’s promise, ‘for I the Lord am with you,’ we will be able to face our problems with dignity and courage. We will find the strength to be of good cheer instead of becoming resentful, critical, or defeated. We will be able to meet life’s unpleasant happenings with clear vision, strength, and power. … "

Sometimes I have thought I was alone when God, my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost were all beside me trying to encourage me to see, hear, and feel that they knew the big picture and what was really best for me. May I evermore live to know that the Lord is with me and will stand by me and will lead me along that I may be in their midst.
What an incredible family I have. I love being part of your world. Thank you Heavenly Father for the beautiful people that I am sealed to forever. Thank you for the sunshine and bike rides and birthday morning for Sam and roller blading with Bode and for a phone number for Seth and for Mckenna singing with her whole heart and smiles from Brycen and for a new cub scout Payton and for smiling big eyes talking to you Emma Beth and for red-headed smiling Jay and yes for chasing Chase. Xoxoxoxo grandpa and granny

Friday, March 13, 2009

Voice From the Temple

I get the opportunity to answer phones in the newly finished soon to be dedicated Draper Utah Temple. It seems that when you call the temple you should talk with someone kind and loving. I hope I can represent the Lord pleasingly. I know the words we speak and the voice we use to say words are important. I want my words to learn to be as the Lord’s words.
Helaman 10:4 Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done: for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.
5. And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever: and I will make thee mighty in word nad in deed, infaith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to the word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

2009 Granite View Stake Theme—Find Joy in the Journey!

2009 Granite View Stake Theme—Find Joy in the Journey!
Pres. Thomas S. Monson Fall 2008 General Conference:
“Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows… May we cherish those we hold dear and express our love to them in word and in deed."
Last week Brad and Marta and the kids came to Salt Lake. Jed played in the state basketball game on Tuesday afternoon. Much family was there to support him. On Wednesday I got to accompany the Harrs to the Draper Temple for the open house. We have been with Keri, Cliff Bode and Whitney, Heidi and Dave Seth and Emma, Katie came and played the flute with me for the open house and then we went through with Payton Jay and Chase. It has been a special experience with each family. It is great to to be able explain the temple to all the kids.
Thursday Seth and Keri and Val and I and the Harrs (Brad stayed home with Bode and Jakob and Sara until early afternoon) went skiing at Solitude. It was a joy to be out in the sunshine on 6” of fresh snow and ski first with the trio of Sam, Brinley, and Seth and Marta and I and then find Liesl and go the top of the mountain with Val, Keri, Jed, Chandler, and Liesl. The sun was shining; it was what Val’s calls a bluebird day, Everyone did well and it felt wonderful to be together. Keri left the senior team to find Marta and the junior team. She saw that the juniors were doing great and took Marta for a run. They stopped in the trees and talked for awhile and came off the mountain sisters loving each other again. (Trying to buy the Fox Hunt House together has put and rift between them and it had grown bigger.) This reconciliation between two wonderful sisters was an answer to many of my prayers.
Katie and Jeff asked us to go to Moab with them. The week they had chosen was not good for us so they waited for us to go Sunday through Wednesday March 8-11. Then it turned out not to be good for them so Val and I went to St. George without the McNeills. We missed them and wished they could be with us. We did ride the Green Valley loop Tuesday twice and then again on Wednesday. The Sun was shinning and it was just the right temperature. Chandler loves to fly while biking. It was Sam’s birthday and he got a new green bike for Christmas; Brinley did a great job on the ride from the condo to the Harrs but it was long ways to turn around at the Harrs and ride back. She and I and Val were tired when we got back up to the condo. On Thursday Marta rode Jakob on the alley cat, Sara came for her first time on the loop and Liesl got to join us. Another bluebird day. Everyone did great! It was something to follow Marta and Jakob whose feet don’t reach the pedals and he is holding on tight as he flies over the bumpy trail. Val and I feel privileged that our kids and grandkids want to do things with us. These days together make memories that bring great joy. We remember many hikes with Heidi and Seth in the backpack and many days at Lake Powell playing together. Keri and Bode have taken us on several morning hikes recently. We tell the next generation of kids what it was like when Keri was 10 years old and pedaling up hard mountains. Thanks to each of you for including us in your smiling adventures and the joy it brings to us to be with you.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Holding Jesus’s Hand

The Morning Breeze has secrets to whisper….. Don’t go back to sleep. Put a foot on the floor and then you can climb out. A Wayne Dyer thought I know to be true; he is quoting a ancient sage. How true. If I want Heavenly inspiration It needs some time. Very early morning hours is when I can read and have thoughts flow. I love the time. Even the early hours are hard to find. It is hard to climb out of bed just the first step and then there is house to clean and office work to do but the inspiration is so worth the effort. Don’t miss the early hours they are a time to talk with God.
Yvonne Bent did some searching and found Command means Walk With so keep the commandments means WALK WITH GOD…
It was Monday Night I was seated at the Harr dinner table and each of Senior Team (Jed, Liesl, Chandler) is asked to report on what they learned in Sunday School and Priesthood, or Young Women. Each reports. Liesl, and Chandler had lesson on the 4th article of faith –Faith and repentance. I had this same lesson.
When Peter is walking on the water and is falling he reaches out his hand and is lifted by the Savior. Is the rest of the story Peter walks holding Jesus’s hand on the water?! Yes. Of Course. Marta is saying you have got to read the book. In the Shack Jesus is holding hands with someone walking on the water. Marta and Brad tell us Jesus says in the book “It is more fun if you take off your shoes.” At the table we want to be together with Jesus and holding hands and take off our shoes and run together on the water with Jesus in our midst holding hands and we say “ Yes, we want this Smiling-Adventure together”.
This was such a precious dear moment the spirit was beautiful. I felt the Savior wanted to share this Adventure with us and holding his hand we could all run barefooted on the water.
The goal is to be Celestial. Jakob being held in Brad’s arms and Sara, and Brinley are Celestial every day—Bode, Jay, McKenna, Payton, Chase, Seth and Emma Beth, Brycen are Celestial every day. We start this Earth life Celestial. Then every day we need to stay up to that level. We don’t start someplace at the bottom and try to climb up to it. We need to maintain that high level every day. I need to constantly have Celestial thoughts like holding Jesus’s Hand and walking on Water because with him we can do what’s impossible alone.
I remember Jeremy at about age 4 telling me one morning, “ Last night I flew with Jesus!” Let’s hold hands and all do it together!
Some dogs don’t and Some Dogs Do..... Fly!
Scriptures from Monday morning early….Psalms 82:6 Ye are gods: and all of you are children of the most High. Moses 6:31…And when Enoch had heard these words, he bowed himself to the earth, before the Lord, and spake before the Lord, saying: Why is it that I have found favor in they sight, and am but a lad, (obscure) and all the people hate me: for I am slow of speech: wherefore am I thy servant? 34. Behold my spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you: therefore walk with me.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love At Home and Priesthood Blessings

Love At Home

Mike Marker has a voice with power I love to hear and sing with when he leads. He ask me to accompany a male quartet singing Love At Home. He gave me the music a month ago and I have spent hours on the piece. It has some high tinkling that I think represents home in Heaven and then the low male voices add a high mother part and a low father part an Heavenly Home part and an on earth Home we want to reach up.
This morning we preformed for Sacrament Meeting, I didn’t feel good about my playing. I was so nervous my fingers were shakey. I ask Val for a Priesthood blessing. He gave me a blessing saying that I would feel arms around me comforting me. After the blessing he told me not to practice any more. So I didn’t play this afternoon until a 15 minutes warm up just before the meeting.
Val came to the priesthood meeting and I sat next to him and felt peace. There was no fear it was an astonishing peace in my heart. It was not a prefect performance but it felt good. I left and put my arms in the air with a hooray. It felt soooo good and I attribute it to Val’s priesthood blessing upon my head.
Thank You Heavenly Father for your peace.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Opportunity to Talk With God

This is a response to a blog concerning a Dixie Forum I attened with Jed, Liesl & Chandler. Jed's English teacher told him to look at the blog. Read the blog entitled "Blessed Are the Powers of the Universe "at

I’m with you Stephen Trimble and from your comments about Stegner’s feeling about our responsibility to value our earth he’s in agreement “Blessed Are the Powers of the Universe”. I am the “Granny” that ask the question.
With different opinions but somethings we all seem to share as Stegner says from Chinese to Indian. The world around us is rich and enlivens the soul.
As I walk Granny’s Trail or any other beautiful place in the world- you are each near your own favorite place -I sweat and so do you. This is because we are producing heat and heat is light and light chases away darkness every morning around the world. We seek light because it feels good to all of us. It is healing. Light grows brighter and brighter within us and this brings us closer to the source of all light and we seek our own level just as water does around the world in beautiful streams flowing down. And we each want our light to keep growing brighter. I walk near a stream; water H2O the first molecule looked for anywhere in the universe where maybe life could exist. Water is life giving and trees then grow around the stream and bring us beauty and peace not found in any gym. Worth protecting which is Stegner’s point. Water freezes from the top down and fish live and so many wonders surround us that we (I) marvel at their creator.
My walk is my best time to talk with God….So it was with Moses and Jesus went up to the mountain….I suppose Mohammed did also and most earthlings who talk with God –Joseph Smith in a grove of trees; I believe this list is endless and I want my name on this list. So I love opportunities to praise, thank and request blessings from the hand of the Almighty. May we always have a beautiful place to do so is the message I get from you Stephen Trimble and Stegner. The question is worthy of the contemplation. And don’t miss the best part of the hike—the opportunity to talk to God.
Granny Kathryn
Whitney-You Go Girl

This Friday February 20, 2009 Whitney has an interview to do an internship as a teacher in the schools. It is a real teaching position where she gets paid half of a teacher’s salary and gets credit for her last year of school while working and getting paid. Whitney has always been a teacher. I remember her love of Jed when he was born. She wanted to hold and care for him. I remember calling her one evening in her high school years and saying ”Where are you?”. Her answer was “Out with the boys”. “What” I responded. She had three little boys in the back of her car and taking them out for a ride and a treat---Payton, Jay and Seth. She cared for them often and from her heart. Heidi especially has been spoiled by Whitney’s loving care of always being there to care for Seth and now Emma Beth and Seth. She often spends her Saturday caring for Bode, Emma Beth, who is a nursing baby and will not take a bottle from me, and Seth. Her heart loves children.
In high school every year she chose to be in a kindergarten class helping the kids. Whitney spent more time in high school in Granite Elementary Kindergarten than Keri spend with her skies on; than Katie spent in the swimming pool, as much as Jeremy spent building warehouses with Dad and I. Through college she has spend much time with children and in the schools. Each of my kids has chosen their own area that they had excelled in for Whitney it is loving and teaching and nurturing children. It is part of her heart. Whitney, you are a teacher in your heart. As you go forward in this pursuit you are gifted and good. You have the hours of service, the love in your heart and ability to get this internship. Go forth with faith that this is something your Heavenly Father with help you with and your Dad and I will being praying for you. I know that your family that loves you and believes in you---look at how often they give you their most prized possession their children and trust you completely that you will love them and care for them and yes bless their little ones.
Jesus Christ as a young boy worked in his father’s carpentry shop. I love a great carpenter your dad. When the time came for Jesus’s real ministry on earth he was a teacher and a healer. You follow his example!
You are the most qualified for this internship of anyone I know. Go forth with assurance, do not doubt. You are always a teacher. It is not something a school degree gives to you. Whatever the outcome of this job interview----
You Go Whitney! You are Great at Teaching!
Your family is all cheering for you. 1,2,3, We love you. I love you XOXOXOXO MOM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Trial of Your Faith

The Trial of Your Faith

Agency—Our gift from God. Marta my gift from God.
The following is a quote from John M. Pontius’s book “Following the Light of Christ into His Presence.” p. 169-172
The need for concentrated, soul-stretching growth makes this life, of necessity, trying and painful. In the course of the journey home, we will be tested to the limits of our ability. ….I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy. (D&C 98:14)
Therefore, they must be needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son. For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified. (D&C 101:4-5)
You will experience many challenges throughout your sojourn here on earth and experience many trials of your faith. However, “the trial of your faith” generally occurs only once. It is a test of such gravity, it appears to be a contradiction or paradox. (A paradox is something which appears impossible or untrue, but which is in fact true.) During the test, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit will be your guide. It requires great faith to follow the still small voice, especially in times of great trial, sorrow, suffering and confusion, (This certainly describes Marta after meeting with the Stake Presidency to reprimand her.) The purpose of the test is twofold, it demonstrates our willingness to obey Him at all costs, even unto death. Secondly, it sets our faith in the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit in immutable stone. It makes of willing soldiers, powerful generals clothed in the full armor of God. It tempers the metal of the soul as nothing else can, and is absolutely essential to our spiritual development As D&C 101:4-5 above indicates, if we truly desire exaltation, we will be tried, even as Abraham.
….In Abraham’s case, he knew than human sacrifice was vile and abhorred by God. …..This obvious contradiction, the paradox as it were, was not lost to him. He must have struggled tremendously, yet while he struggled, he prepared his journey to the mount to sacrifice his son. He did not know how the Lord would reconcile the obvious contradictions.
Such obedience and faithfulness is also expected of us it we desire the ultimate celestial reward. The test will come. It will come when we are prepared, and when we have become capable of such obedience—not before. It will be the most difficult, soul-wrenching experience of our lives, but it will not overwhelm us because we will be prepared with the power of great faith. It is impossible to know what form this test might take, or to recognize when it begins. You will not know if you are being tried as Abraham was, or if this is just another trial. The only way you might know that what you just experienced was “the trial of your faith,” is that it will occur after the rebirth, and you will shortly thereafter find your calling and election made sure…..
Joseph Smith outlined the course this way:
After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost,…. Which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure….(Smith, Teachings, 150) End of John Pontius Quote.
Marta, thank you for your humility and your great faith and example. My prayers have been for angels to minister to you, and the Holy Ghost to comfort you, in this time of trial, great sorrow and hurt. You come through the fire again sanctified. The greatest desire of your heart is always to serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and strength and to serve Jesus Christ your Savior, then to have your leaders not praise but reprimand reminds me of the Savior healing on the Sabbath. I chose to follow your example of purging and righteousness and forgiving and loving when it hurts.
For the World---This is my Beloved Daughter, in whom I am Well Pleased.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Benediction given at the Inauguration of Barack Obama

Benediction given at the Inauguration of

President Barack Obama

By Reverend Joseph Lowery


God of our weary years:

God of our silent tears;

Thou who has brought us thus far along the way;

Thou who hast by thy might led us into the light;

Keep us forever in the path, we pray.


Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee;

Lest our heart drunk with the wine of the world

We forget thee.

Shadowed beneath they hand

May we forever stand

True to thee, Oh God,

And true to our Native Land.

We truly give thanks for the glorious experience

We've shared this day.

We pray now for your blessing upon your servant

Barack Obama, the 44th President of these United States,

His family and his administration.

He has come to this high office at a low moment

In the national and indeed the global fiscal climate.

But because we know

You got the whole world in your hands,

We pray for not only our own nation

But for the community of Nations.

Our faith does not shrink

Though pressed by the flood of mortal ills,

For we know that , Lord, you're able

And you're willing

To work through faithful leadership

To restore stability

Mend our broken-ness

Heal our wounds

And deliver us

From the exploitation of the poor of the least of these and

From favoritism toward the rich, the elite of these.

We thank you for the empowering

Of thy servant our 44th President

To inspire our nation to believe:

Yes, we can work together

To achieve a more perfect nation.

And while we sown the seed of greed,

The wind of greed and corruption.

And even as we reap the whirlwind

of social and economic disruption,

We seek forgiveness,

And we come in the spirit of unity and solidarity

To commit support to our president

By our willingness to make sacrifices,

To respect your creation,

To turn to each other and not on each other.

And now, Lord, in the complex arena of human relations

Help us to make choices

on the side of Love not hate,

on the side of inclusion and not exclusion

tolerance not intolerance.

And as we leave this mountain top help us to hold onto

The spirit of fellowship

And the oneness of our family.

Let us take that power back to our homes,

Our work places, our churches, our mosks ,

Where ever we seek your will.

Bless President Barack, First Lady Michelle.

Look over our little angelic Sasha, and Meleea.

We go to walk together, children,

Pledging that we won't get weary

In the difficult days ahead.

We know you will not leave us alone,

With your hands of power,

And you heart of love.

Help us live now, lord, to work for that day

When nation shall not lift up sword against nation,

When tanks will be beaten into tractors,

When every man and every woman shall sit down

Under his or her own vine and fig tree

And none shall be afraid,

When justice will roll down like water and

Righteousness as a mighty stream.

Lord, in memory of all the saints who from their labors rest,

And in the joy of a new beginning.

We ask you to help us work for that day:

When Black will not be ask to give back;

When Yellow will be mellow;

When the Red Man can get ahead man;

And When White will embrace what is right;

That all those who do justice and love mercy shall say:

Amen (crowd) Amen

Say amen

(crowd) Amen

And amen

(Crowd) Amen








Saturday, January 17, 2009

Playing With Angels Jed Harr a Flyer

Because of Jed's righteousness he deserves to have angels surrounding him while he plays. The other team players may not pass him the ball but angels open many opportunities for him to make his team the winners. Jed was beautiful to watch!

I prayed for Angels to be surrounding Jed as he played basketball last night. The Dixie Flyers were up to 12 points before the other team scored one. When the score was 17 to 4 Flyers ahead, Jed fell backward and the back of his head was cut open. Marta first to be by Jed's side, Brad, a dad of a team player #21 who was a doctor, and the team health lady, cut his hair and put sterile strips over the jagged gash to close it up. While he was out his team hardly scored any points.

This week he had come home in tears in how some of the leading players on his team treated him. They do not pass the ball to him. But his defense against that other team was magnificent. The other team got one 3 point shot---not in Jed's territory and one free throw while he was playing the first quarter.

While Jed was out his own team hardly scored but they were already so far ahead. Jed was back in the game as soon as his head was all taped up. Because of his ability to get the ball from the other team back to his team by the end every kid on the bench got to play.

Yea Jed!

It is Wondrous What A Hug can DO !

It is Wondrous What A Hug can Do!

It's wondrous what a hug can do.

A hug can cheer you when you're blue.

A hug can say "I love you so."
Or "Gee, I hate to see you go."
A hug is "Welcome back again,"
"Great to see you! Where've you been?"
A hug can smooth a small child's pain,
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug! There's just no doubt about it,
We scarcely could survive without it!
A hug delights and warms and charms.
It must be why God gave us arms.
Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
And chances are your favorite aunts
Love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them. Puppies love them.
Heads of state are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier,
And make your travels so much merrier.
No need to fret about your store of'em:
The more you give the more there's of'em:
So stretch those arms without delay,
And Give someone A Hug Today!!!

-Dean Walley

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6,2009
Today my friend Yvonne Bent and I visited Denver Snuffer. It was amazing that he recongnized the pattern of the atom He related the pattern to what he already knew to be truth.
In the new Dr. Suess DVD Horton Hears a Who there is a Kangargoo who says " If you can't see it or hear it or feel it it doesn't exist." This is science today. If you cannot measure it, its doesn't exist. Yet Horton can hear the whos and must help them and carry their unseeable speck to the top of the mountain. The Kangargoo does all she can to stop this from happening and allthe whos must make noise so they can be heard. It requires everyone working together (Zion). At the last moment before they will be destroyed they are heard by the baby Roo.

Einstein would not give into the belief that probablity existed in the universe. To his last moment he worked to find the exacting order that he firmly believed existed. Science casts him out as losing touch with science but Helen's Exacting order of electrons establishes the truth of his belief.

Our Heavenly Father organized this earth according to existing laws in his eternities. This exacting order is a testment of his creation; of his laws and order. This physical world bears testimony of God the Eternal Father, of His Son, Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God's organization of his plan for his children on the earth to return to his presence.