Friday, July 3, 2009

I think the angel sent was Maxwell

Tues June 30 was Val’s first day to be an ordinance worker at the Draper Utah Temple. Val’s day started at the church spreading bark with a couple of other High Priests one being Greg Parish whom Val calls The General ( he is always helping). By 9:00 am he was on his way up to the cabin with Bender his favorite electrician. During the Ragnar Race Jr. Team SAM BRINLEY, SARA, JAKOB, and I stopped by the cabin it was difficult to get the lights to go on they were very low. Jeff McNeil held a camp out in the cabin driveway for 3 11 year old scouts with their dad’s he also found low lights and could not see the cause.
When Val and Bender got to the cabin they found a breaker that was not working when they tested it with their equipment. They called Rocky Mountain Power and left for Home Depot --taking a couple of hours to get there - to buy a new breaker. Val called me and said things were not going well and could I pick up his new white coat for the temple and that he would not be making it to the sealing session we do with Pres. Hilton at 3:00 pm leaving for the temple about 2:15 pm. He didn’t know if he could make it to the temple at all.
I PRAYED. It seems Satan does not want Val to make it to the temple. I ask for help for Val to make it to the temple. I Prayed for an angel that knew a lot about electricity to help solve the problems so Val could make it to the temple. I ask if maybe God could sent Maxwell ( He like discovered electricity) to help Val get the electrical problems fixed.
Val’s next call was: the electricity was working great! He was on his way home and would make it on time to make the sealing session. When he and Bender got back from Home Depot the electricity was working without installing a new breaker which would have been very dangerous---something to do with installing it hot. Any way they didn’t have to do it . Everything was working. Val did the sealing session and was able to serve as a veil worker on both sides the first day and started memorizing other ordinances.
Thank You God and Maxwell.

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat Kathryn! You have such faith! (And just maybe it was my Robert who fixed your electricity. He could fix anything, and he was always the first person to help anyone with such a need! Maybe he did it because you are so good to his mother?) Now where did that thought come from?
