Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love At Home and Priesthood Blessings

Love At Home

Mike Marker has a voice with power I love to hear and sing with when he leads. He ask me to accompany a male quartet singing Love At Home. He gave me the music a month ago and I have spent hours on the piece. It has some high tinkling that I think represents home in Heaven and then the low male voices add a high mother part and a low father part an Heavenly Home part and an on earth Home we want to reach up.
This morning we preformed for Sacrament Meeting, I didn’t feel good about my playing. I was so nervous my fingers were shakey. I ask Val for a Priesthood blessing. He gave me a blessing saying that I would feel arms around me comforting me. After the blessing he told me not to practice any more. So I didn’t play this afternoon until a 15 minutes warm up just before the meeting.
Val came to the priesthood meeting and I sat next to him and felt peace. There was no fear it was an astonishing peace in my heart. It was not a prefect performance but it felt good. I left and put my arms in the air with a hooray. It felt soooo good and I attribute it to Val’s priesthood blessing upon my head.
Thank You Heavenly Father for your peace.

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