Thursday, February 26, 2009

Holding Jesus’s Hand

The Morning Breeze has secrets to whisper….. Don’t go back to sleep. Put a foot on the floor and then you can climb out. A Wayne Dyer thought I know to be true; he is quoting a ancient sage. How true. If I want Heavenly inspiration It needs some time. Very early morning hours is when I can read and have thoughts flow. I love the time. Even the early hours are hard to find. It is hard to climb out of bed just the first step and then there is house to clean and office work to do but the inspiration is so worth the effort. Don’t miss the early hours they are a time to talk with God.
Yvonne Bent did some searching and found Command means Walk With so keep the commandments means WALK WITH GOD…
It was Monday Night I was seated at the Harr dinner table and each of Senior Team (Jed, Liesl, Chandler) is asked to report on what they learned in Sunday School and Priesthood, or Young Women. Each reports. Liesl, and Chandler had lesson on the 4th article of faith –Faith and repentance. I had this same lesson.
When Peter is walking on the water and is falling he reaches out his hand and is lifted by the Savior. Is the rest of the story Peter walks holding Jesus’s hand on the water?! Yes. Of Course. Marta is saying you have got to read the book. In the Shack Jesus is holding hands with someone walking on the water. Marta and Brad tell us Jesus says in the book “It is more fun if you take off your shoes.” At the table we want to be together with Jesus and holding hands and take off our shoes and run together on the water with Jesus in our midst holding hands and we say “ Yes, we want this Smiling-Adventure together”.
This was such a precious dear moment the spirit was beautiful. I felt the Savior wanted to share this Adventure with us and holding his hand we could all run barefooted on the water.
The goal is to be Celestial. Jakob being held in Brad’s arms and Sara, and Brinley are Celestial every day—Bode, Jay, McKenna, Payton, Chase, Seth and Emma Beth, Brycen are Celestial every day. We start this Earth life Celestial. Then every day we need to stay up to that level. We don’t start someplace at the bottom and try to climb up to it. We need to maintain that high level every day. I need to constantly have Celestial thoughts like holding Jesus’s Hand and walking on Water because with him we can do what’s impossible alone.
I remember Jeremy at about age 4 telling me one morning, “ Last night I flew with Jesus!” Let’s hold hands and all do it together!
Some dogs don’t and Some Dogs Do..... Fly!
Scriptures from Monday morning early….Psalms 82:6 Ye are gods: and all of you are children of the most High. Moses 6:31…And when Enoch had heard these words, he bowed himself to the earth, before the Lord, and spake before the Lord, saying: Why is it that I have found favor in they sight, and am but a lad, (obscure) and all the people hate me: for I am slow of speech: wherefore am I thy servant? 34. Behold my spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you: therefore walk with me.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love At Home and Priesthood Blessings

Love At Home

Mike Marker has a voice with power I love to hear and sing with when he leads. He ask me to accompany a male quartet singing Love At Home. He gave me the music a month ago and I have spent hours on the piece. It has some high tinkling that I think represents home in Heaven and then the low male voices add a high mother part and a low father part an Heavenly Home part and an on earth Home we want to reach up.
This morning we preformed for Sacrament Meeting, I didn’t feel good about my playing. I was so nervous my fingers were shakey. I ask Val for a Priesthood blessing. He gave me a blessing saying that I would feel arms around me comforting me. After the blessing he told me not to practice any more. So I didn’t play this afternoon until a 15 minutes warm up just before the meeting.
Val came to the priesthood meeting and I sat next to him and felt peace. There was no fear it was an astonishing peace in my heart. It was not a prefect performance but it felt good. I left and put my arms in the air with a hooray. It felt soooo good and I attribute it to Val’s priesthood blessing upon my head.
Thank You Heavenly Father for your peace.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Opportunity to Talk With God

This is a response to a blog concerning a Dixie Forum I attened with Jed, Liesl & Chandler. Jed's English teacher told him to look at the blog. Read the blog entitled "Blessed Are the Powers of the Universe "at

I’m with you Stephen Trimble and from your comments about Stegner’s feeling about our responsibility to value our earth he’s in agreement “Blessed Are the Powers of the Universe”. I am the “Granny” that ask the question.
With different opinions but somethings we all seem to share as Stegner says from Chinese to Indian. The world around us is rich and enlivens the soul.
As I walk Granny’s Trail or any other beautiful place in the world- you are each near your own favorite place -I sweat and so do you. This is because we are producing heat and heat is light and light chases away darkness every morning around the world. We seek light because it feels good to all of us. It is healing. Light grows brighter and brighter within us and this brings us closer to the source of all light and we seek our own level just as water does around the world in beautiful streams flowing down. And we each want our light to keep growing brighter. I walk near a stream; water H2O the first molecule looked for anywhere in the universe where maybe life could exist. Water is life giving and trees then grow around the stream and bring us beauty and peace not found in any gym. Worth protecting which is Stegner’s point. Water freezes from the top down and fish live and so many wonders surround us that we (I) marvel at their creator.
My walk is my best time to talk with God….So it was with Moses and Jesus went up to the mountain….I suppose Mohammed did also and most earthlings who talk with God –Joseph Smith in a grove of trees; I believe this list is endless and I want my name on this list. So I love opportunities to praise, thank and request blessings from the hand of the Almighty. May we always have a beautiful place to do so is the message I get from you Stephen Trimble and Stegner. The question is worthy of the contemplation. And don’t miss the best part of the hike—the opportunity to talk to God.
Granny Kathryn
Whitney-You Go Girl

This Friday February 20, 2009 Whitney has an interview to do an internship as a teacher in the schools. It is a real teaching position where she gets paid half of a teacher’s salary and gets credit for her last year of school while working and getting paid. Whitney has always been a teacher. I remember her love of Jed when he was born. She wanted to hold and care for him. I remember calling her one evening in her high school years and saying ”Where are you?”. Her answer was “Out with the boys”. “What” I responded. She had three little boys in the back of her car and taking them out for a ride and a treat---Payton, Jay and Seth. She cared for them often and from her heart. Heidi especially has been spoiled by Whitney’s loving care of always being there to care for Seth and now Emma Beth and Seth. She often spends her Saturday caring for Bode, Emma Beth, who is a nursing baby and will not take a bottle from me, and Seth. Her heart loves children.
In high school every year she chose to be in a kindergarten class helping the kids. Whitney spent more time in high school in Granite Elementary Kindergarten than Keri spend with her skies on; than Katie spent in the swimming pool, as much as Jeremy spent building warehouses with Dad and I. Through college she has spend much time with children and in the schools. Each of my kids has chosen their own area that they had excelled in for Whitney it is loving and teaching and nurturing children. It is part of her heart. Whitney, you are a teacher in your heart. As you go forward in this pursuit you are gifted and good. You have the hours of service, the love in your heart and ability to get this internship. Go forth with faith that this is something your Heavenly Father with help you with and your Dad and I will being praying for you. I know that your family that loves you and believes in you---look at how often they give you their most prized possession their children and trust you completely that you will love them and care for them and yes bless their little ones.
Jesus Christ as a young boy worked in his father’s carpentry shop. I love a great carpenter your dad. When the time came for Jesus’s real ministry on earth he was a teacher and a healer. You follow his example!
You are the most qualified for this internship of anyone I know. Go forth with assurance, do not doubt. You are always a teacher. It is not something a school degree gives to you. Whatever the outcome of this job interview----
You Go Whitney! You are Great at Teaching!
Your family is all cheering for you. 1,2,3, We love you. I love you XOXOXOXO MOM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Trial of Your Faith

The Trial of Your Faith

Agency—Our gift from God. Marta my gift from God.
The following is a quote from John M. Pontius’s book “Following the Light of Christ into His Presence.” p. 169-172
The need for concentrated, soul-stretching growth makes this life, of necessity, trying and painful. In the course of the journey home, we will be tested to the limits of our ability. ….I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy. (D&C 98:14)
Therefore, they must be needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son. For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified. (D&C 101:4-5)
You will experience many challenges throughout your sojourn here on earth and experience many trials of your faith. However, “the trial of your faith” generally occurs only once. It is a test of such gravity, it appears to be a contradiction or paradox. (A paradox is something which appears impossible or untrue, but which is in fact true.) During the test, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit will be your guide. It requires great faith to follow the still small voice, especially in times of great trial, sorrow, suffering and confusion, (This certainly describes Marta after meeting with the Stake Presidency to reprimand her.) The purpose of the test is twofold, it demonstrates our willingness to obey Him at all costs, even unto death. Secondly, it sets our faith in the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit in immutable stone. It makes of willing soldiers, powerful generals clothed in the full armor of God. It tempers the metal of the soul as nothing else can, and is absolutely essential to our spiritual development As D&C 101:4-5 above indicates, if we truly desire exaltation, we will be tried, even as Abraham.
….In Abraham’s case, he knew than human sacrifice was vile and abhorred by God. …..This obvious contradiction, the paradox as it were, was not lost to him. He must have struggled tremendously, yet while he struggled, he prepared his journey to the mount to sacrifice his son. He did not know how the Lord would reconcile the obvious contradictions.
Such obedience and faithfulness is also expected of us it we desire the ultimate celestial reward. The test will come. It will come when we are prepared, and when we have become capable of such obedience—not before. It will be the most difficult, soul-wrenching experience of our lives, but it will not overwhelm us because we will be prepared with the power of great faith. It is impossible to know what form this test might take, or to recognize when it begins. You will not know if you are being tried as Abraham was, or if this is just another trial. The only way you might know that what you just experienced was “the trial of your faith,” is that it will occur after the rebirth, and you will shortly thereafter find your calling and election made sure…..
Joseph Smith outlined the course this way:
After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost,…. Which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure….(Smith, Teachings, 150) End of John Pontius Quote.
Marta, thank you for your humility and your great faith and example. My prayers have been for angels to minister to you, and the Holy Ghost to comfort you, in this time of trial, great sorrow and hurt. You come through the fire again sanctified. The greatest desire of your heart is always to serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and strength and to serve Jesus Christ your Savior, then to have your leaders not praise but reprimand reminds me of the Savior healing on the Sabbath. I chose to follow your example of purging and righteousness and forgiving and loving when it hurts.
For the World---This is my Beloved Daughter, in whom I am Well Pleased.